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Certified Face Reality Acne Expert Logo

Acne Treatment Program

We are so proud to announce the launch of our new Acne Treatment Program at Flutter Salon and Spa! Our Licensed Therapists provide top notch skin care education and we are working exclusively with renowned Face Reality products.


You can have CLEAR SKIN in 3 to 4 months with our program. All services are performed by Acne Certified Therapists.

Treatment Plan:

Your fist appointment will involve a very detailed process, skin analysis, and treatment. Home care products are required and essential to the clear skin journey. Roughly $170-$200 to get started. Following treatment, you will be scheduled every two weeks for follow up treatments to get your skin clear and keep it clear.

It Works


Acne Treatment Plan Consultation 
$100, 90 minutes

This includes

-Very Detailed Consultation

-Treatment Packet

-Skin Analysis & Treatment


Acne Treatment Plan

$80, 1 hour

-To be scheduled every 2 weeks

Questions? Email our Lead Therapist, Janice Ohlson

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